Tuesday, November 15, 2011

the dream from last night

I am going to brainstorm where this dream may have originated from before I type it out.
Yesterday I took a 30min walk in the park on my way home from school like I do a lot of days. It was overcast with dark grey clouds. Part of the path was closed off for something and there was a white truck driving around on one of the trails. <-- I think it was people cleaning up fallen trees and such for it was the same path that Kayci and I walked on and there was a lot of debris..  I kept hearing a strange noise that I can think of no words to describe other than haunting and soothing. Possibly static... My voice was kind of static during one part of the video I shot, my camera must be dying from being so old.. It started to rain and I headed for my car.

I was talking to someone that I didn't recognize at first. They seemed really familiar, but I could not place the shadowy face. We talked about the woods and how it was a peaceful place to go to clear your head. And we also talked about...something else, it was important but I just cannot remember right now.=/
We were walking down a street when we got to a white 2story house. The person stopped and turned to me. She said,"I have some business to attend to now." This raised a red flag for some reason and I asked her what she had to do.
She laughed a little," I am here to give the target an ultimatum. Their choice will provide their fate."
I watched as she went up to the door and knocked. A man in his late 20's answered with, "I will not have this bullshit forced-" he was interrupted by the girl blowing his brains out with a shotgun to the face. She went into the house and I heard a woman scream followed by a ka-boom of the house exploding.
"What are you looking for?" The woman was standing next to me. She grabbed my arm and we continued our walk. Nothing was said until we ended up at a familiar house and stopped.
"Why are we here?" I asked. She shook her head.
We were at my friends house. She said something about assassination and mumbled something about my not listening to the warning signs.
She was aiming at my friend when I ran over and tackled her. The gun was fired at the same time.
There was screaming and confusion. My friend had not been shot, but her dad had been.
I ran. The woman started to chase me, "You forgot something!"
I stopped. She handed me a knife.  "That's not mine"
"It is now." I kept running. She followed asking where I was going. I lied and said I had to charge my phone. She kept running with me. I said that she didn't need to come with me, but she insisted on staying with me until I got home.
We ran through a school. The woman was no longer with me. A different person was following me through the halls. They stopped to talk to a person something about 'call this in. we need to catch---essential for---'
An alarm went off. Very loud and it seemed like I was the only one who could hear it.
Over the speaker system "she must be obtained. Get everyone on this now."
Another voice yelled, "Don't worry about ________________, HE'S got that covered."

Then my phone woke me up.  This is all that I can remember for now. And it is put together poorly so I am sorry for that.

I've been thinking about this all morning. And I have started to write a reflection on this dream...
"Dream Reflection 11-15-2011
I woke up with my heart pounding.
That person that was with me-I think it was me.. but how could that be? Yeah, I know it was a dream. Weird shit can happen in dreams, but usually mine have some kind of meaning to the madness. It's probably nothing, but I just can't shake the feeling that these dreams I've been having are important. Like I'm trying to make myself realize something. What is it? Hopefully things will fall into place soon."


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